hornbeam grow fast

A hornbeam hedge sight screen – best planted now in autumn

Vorbei mit der Gartensaison? Nicht ganz. Damit eine Hecke aus Hainbuche Dir sowohl im Winter, aber vor allem auch im Sommer, einen geeigneten Sichtschutz in Deinem Garten bieten kann, solltest Du die jungen Pflanzen von Mitte Oktober bis Mitte November einpflanzen, so können die jungen Gehölze vor Wintereinbruch noch feine Haarwurzeln bilden. Beginnt dann im neuen Jahr das Frühjahr, haben sie vor erst dann gesetzten Pflanzen bereits einen erheblichen, dann nicht mehr einzuholenden Wachstumsvorteil.

Simple beauty

It is considered particularly sturdy and low-maintenance, but this does not diminish its beauty. In autumn, the hornbeam hedge shines bright yellow and its fresh green colour will add cheer to your garden during the spring and summer. Individual hornbeam trees can reach up to 25 metres in height, but many amateur gardeners are particularly fond of hornbeams as hedges that are easy to maintain. After several years of proper care, a hornbeam hedge can reach a height of up to four metres and its thick growth makes it an ideal privacy screen for your garden. Hornbeam hedges can also be used to create archways over paths and entrances. Even in winter it doesn't lose all its leaves, so the remaining dry foliage can act as a privacy screen all year round. This feature is also very useful to wildlife, because non-migratory songbirds can take shelter in the old growth during the winter and protect themselves against the icy winds. Because every dense hedge also provides plenty of space for insects, nesting birds can find a wide source of food.




Choosing the ideal spot

Choosing a spot for your hornbeam is when you realise how easy they are to maintain. To give it the best conditions for good growth, you should plant it in a sunny to semi-shaded site, although hornbeams can still fully develop relatively fully even in shaded areas. The ground must be moderately acidic to slightly alkaline for hornbeams to grow. Ideally the soil should have a sandy-loamy texture. Hornbeams can take root and grow sufficiently even in pure sand or clay soils, as long as they can provide the shrub with enough moisture and nutrients.

Caring for your hornbeam after planting

As soon as the freshly-planted hornbeam has established itself in the garden, the next task is to shorten the long unbranched shoots of bare-root plants by around half using the GARDENA secateurs, so that they bush out into a thicker hedge. Otherwise the hornbeam grows upwards and outwards too quickly, so plant cover in the central section can become sparse.
Generally speaking, after the first time you should prune the hedge little and often in the next two or three years to maintain its thickness and to avoid any bare patches. The young hornbeam will lose some of its vigour if it is cut back too frequently. Adding fertiliser in the form of compost (approx. 2–3 litres per square metre) will give the shrub enough nutrients for healthy growth. Apply the required amount of compost as a thin layer and work it in lightly using the GARDENA grubber. After around three years, when the hornbeam has grown into an imposing hedge, then pruning it twice a year will be enough — once at the end of June and once in January or February before buds form. Adding fertiliser to nutrient-rich soil is not usually necessary, but with thin soil you should add fertiliser as usual.
After planting the shrub in autumn, you should also water vigorously by adding 10 to 20 litres of water per square meter, followed by occasional watering during its first winter on days when there is no frost. But take care — like many other plants, hornbeams are sensitive to waterlogging.

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