Climbing flower
Realise your gardening dreams

Top six climbers to preserve your privacy

Du kannst Deine Terrasse, Pergola oder Deinen Balkon so vorbereiten, dass sie bei schönem Wetter optimal aussehen. Eine gute Möglichkeit, die Privatsphäre zu gewährleisten, besteht darin, Kletterpflanzen zu verwenden, um einen natürlichen Schutz zwischen Dir und Deinen Nachbarn zu schaffen. Dies sind die besten Kletterpflanzen, die man ausprobieren kann...

Star jasmine, the most fragrant and easy to grow

Star jasmine, also known as false jasmine, is an evergreen shrub with beautiful flowers. It grows rapidly up to 5 meters high, requires very little care and no pruning other than an annual “refresher” at the end of winter to encourage flowering. This shrub can cover a fence, wall or arbor when securely attached to a support. Positioning it near a house window will give you the full benefit of its wonderful fragrance. It can be planted in the fall or in spring (excluding periods of frost and very high temperatures) in well-drained soil.

Bamboo, the most insulating and exotic

Ideal for creating an exotic screen, bamboo is also a great sound insulator. You can plant an opaque bamboo curtain which will grow very quickly in the soil but needs a root or rhizome barrier to contain it. Keeping it in a pot is easier and will be less invasive. Bamboo needs lots of fertilizer and should be watered when the soil is dry on the surface. You could also consider mulching it in winter to prevent the roots from freezing. Trim your bamboo with a lopper or saw but don’t forget that cut canes will not grow back.

Buddleia or butterfly bush, the most abundant

This is known as the butterfly bush because its long scented flowers are particularly attractive to butterflies. It will grow rapidly (from 2 to 5 meters) in a sunny spot and in average soil, as its water and nutrient requirements are fairly low. As a hedge, it offers privacy while adding color to the yard. Simple to maintain, all it needs is an annual trim. You may like to mulch the base in summer to keep some moisture in the soil.

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