Bamboo hedge

Bamboo hedge

Bambus ist pflegeleicht und vielfältig einsetzbar. Er ist immergrün, ziemlich blickdicht und benötigt keinen Formschnitt, weshalb er sich als Hecke eignet. Die Pflanze kann ebenso als Blickfang in Kübeln verwendet werden. Heute aber konzentrieren wir uns voll und ganz auf die Bambus-Hecke: Welche Arten eignen sich hierfür und was ist beim Einpflanzen zu beachten? Wir sagen es Dir!

Bamboo sorts which grow upright suit best for a bamboo hedge. They are called Umbrella bamboo or Fargesia. Umbrella bamboos like nutritious and water-permeable ground. The various sorts have different preferences. Overall, you cannot go wrong with a semi-shaded place. Just make sure that plants are not in dry places because they do not tolerate this. In case you only have a sunny place for your bamboo, you can still choose between Fargesia murielae, Fargesia rufa and Fargesia robusta. A shady place prefers Fargesia nitida. 

The arrow bamboo (pseudosasa japonica) also works well as a hedge. It has very large leaves which hinder unwanted glances. The arrow bamboo likes a semi-shaded to sunny spot which should be sheltered from the wind. Dryness should be avoided just as for the other types of bamboo. However, the arrow bamboo forms foothills and therefore it requires a root barrier. Without such a barrier, the roots will proliferate into your own or even in your neighbour’s garden. You can prevent this by using a rhizome barrier which, however, is quite expensive.

Autumn fertiliser for our bamboo hedge

In order to make your bamboo more resistant against the impending frosts, you can provide it with a little autumn fertiliser.
Potassium is the main component of so-called autumn fertilisers. It is stored in the cell sap and increases plants' resistance to frost. You can supply your plants with suitable fertilisers into the early autumn. You can find such fertilisers in DIY stores and at specialist traders.

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